E-Dancer – Re:Generate – Drumcode

Es ist ja momentan ein regelrechter Trend geworden old school classic mit neuen Remixen wieder in die Charts zu pushen. Adam Beyer hat sich für das 250. Release seines Labels Drumcode gleich den gesamten Backkatalog von Detroit Legende E-Dancer – aka Mr. Inner City – Kevin Saunderson geschnappt, sein Phone gezückt und das Who is Who der Techno Szene für das Projekt gewinnen können. Die Remixe von u.a. Len Faki, Amelie Lens, Robert Hood, Rebūke, DJ Bone kommen zwar unserer Meinung nach nicht ganz an die Originale heran, bringen aber immerhin der nächsten Generation den Sound of Detroit näher und vielleicht beschäftigt sich dadurch der ein oder andere jüngere Raver ein wenig mit der History of Techno. Unser Favoriten sind der Special Request Remix von „Rock to the Beat“ und der einzige  E-Dancer Original Track der Platte „The Rise“.
An dieser Stelle lassen wir gerne die Protagonisten zu Wort kommen und wünschen Euch viel Spass mit diesem Monster Remix Pack.

“This is a really special project to me because it connects artists of all generations of which E-Dancer has inspired, while giving a new generation some history. Unifying people through music and reminding people where it all started are two missions always at the forefront of my projects. I’m happy that all these years later E-Dancer is respected by the producers to come after me, and a fresh take on the music I made at the start of my journey is there to carry the next wave of kids on the dancefloor. I’m honoured to be doing this with Adam, uniting Drumcode and Detroit.” – Kevin Saunderson

“Kevin Saunderson’s E-Dancer material released during the ‘90s had a substantial impact on me. The 1998 ‘Heavenly’ album was an incredibly important moment in the history of techno. At the time I was a couple of years into launching Drumcode and was drawing substantial influence from many of Kevin’s records for my own productions at the time. Celebrating 250 releases on Drumcode is a moment in the label’s story that I wanted to recognise with something special and this opportunity to breathe new life into this iconic collection of E-Dancer material seemed a perfect fit in many ways.

„I wanted to celebrate and shine a light on Kevin Saunderson / E-Dancer and in doing so educate the younger generation of how important ‘Heavenly’ was, while simultaneously bringing in a truly diverse cross section of exciting, cutting-edge producers to create 2021 interpretations of these records. This project felt like the perfect fusion of fresh sounds and ideas from across the techno spectrum. Respect to Kevin, his team and all the remixers who created such forward-thinking music for this album.”

Artist:      E-Dancer 
Title:        Re:Generate 
Label:      Drumcode
Cat no.:   DC250
Format:  digital / vinyl

  1. E-Dancer – Warp (Len Faki remix) 
  2. E-Dancer – Rock to the Beat (Special Request Remix) 
  3. E-Dancer – One Nation (Amelie Lens Remix) 
  4. E-Dancer – World of Deep (Adam Beyer Remix) 
  5. E-Dancer – The Rise (Original Mix) 
  6. E-Dancer – Heavenly (Layton Giordani Remix) 
  7. E-Dancer – Uptempo (DJ Minx Remix) 
  8. E-Dancer – Pump The Move (Bart Skils Groove Mix) 
  9. E-Dancer – Banjo (Tygapaw Remix) 
  10. E-Dancer – Forces (Dantiez & Andre Salmon Remix) 
  11. E-Dancer – Savage & Beyond (Rebūke Remix) 
  12. E-Dancer – Anongay (Robert Hood Remix) 
  13. E-Dancer – Velocity Funk (Wehbba Remix) 
  14. E-Dancer – Behold (DJ Bone Remix) 
  15. E-Dancer – Human Bond (rRoxymore Remix) 
  16. E-Dancer – Banjo (Funk D’Void Remix) [bonus track available with digital bundle] 
  17. E-Dancer – Feel The Mood (Justin Cholewski Remix) [bonus track available with digital

Release Date: 1 Oktober, 2021

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